Mudpaw's litters


A-litter, born 1.9.2001

S: FIN & EST CH NordicW-97 Yardican Joffrey
D: INT & FIN & DK & S CH JW-99 W-02 CphgW-02 SW-02 NordicWinner03 Newcard's Freelancer

Mudpaw's Apollo, FIN40165/01, male, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw's Alkmene
, FIN40166/01, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw's Artemis, FIN40167/01, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw's Adonis, FIN40168/01, male, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw's Akilleus, FIN40169/01, male, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw's Afrodite, FIN40170/01, female, brindle with white markings


B-litter, born 2.4.2003, pictures as five weeks old

S: Newcard's Jack Pot
D: INT & FIN & DK & S CH JW-99 W-02 CphgW-02 SW-02 NordicWinner03 Newcard's Freelancer

Mudpaw's Born to be Newcard, FIN22898/03, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw's Born to be Pride, FIN22899/03, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw's Born to be Cute, FIN22900/03, female, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw's Born to be Pretty, FIN22901/03, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw's Born to be Free, FIN22902/03, male, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw's Born to be Wild, FIN22903/03, male, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw's Born to be Macho, FIN22904/03, male, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw's Born to be a Star, FIN22905/03, male, brindle with white markings


C-litter, born 10.5.2004, pictures as five weeks old

S: FR CH Gowerston Challenger
D: INT & FIN & DK & S CH JW-99 W-02 CphgW-02 SW-02 NordicWinner03 Newcard's Freelancer

Mudpaw's Cruftsmade Red, FIN33544/04, male, red with white markings
Mudpaw's Canis Minor, FIN33545/04, female, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw's Cruftsmade Tri, FIN33546/04, female, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw's Come to Play, FIN33547/04, male, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw's Controversia, FIN33548/04, female, tricolour


D-litter, born 24.9.2005, pictures of 7 weeks old puppies

S: S & N & FIN & NORD CH SW-04 All Trade Gravytrain "Frost"
D: Mudpaw's Born to be Cute "Thelma"

Mudpaw´s Diggeridoo, FIN48682/05, female, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw´s Duke Silver, FIN48683/05, male, blue merle
Mudpaw´s Done by Frost, FIN48684/05, male, blue merle
Mudpaw´s David Bowie, FIN48685/05, male, blue merle
Mudpaw's Don Juan, FIN48686/05, male, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw´s Dream Come Blue, FIN48687/05, female, blue merle


E-litter, born 15.4.2007

S: FIN CH Yardican Cardiridge Weli Welho
D: Trudytale's Lady Mudpaw "Dixie"

Mudpaw´s Xtra Treats Plz, FIN31854/07, male, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw´s Xtra Easytolove, FIN31852/07, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw´s Xtra Funny Face, FIN31850/07, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw´s Xtra Spicy girl, FIN31851/07, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw´s Xtra Sweet Tale, FIN31853/07, female, brindle with white markings


F-litter, born 18.4.2009, pictures of five weeks old puppies

S: Multi CH Multi Winner Newcard's Power in Black
D: Mudpaw's Dream Come Blue

Mudpaw's Firetail, FIN31486/09, male, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw's Fancy That, FIN31487/09, female, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw's Frostbite, FIN31488/09, male, blue merle
Mudpaw's Fear of the Bark, FIN31489/09, male, tricolour with brindle markings
Mudpaw's Freestyler, FIN31490/09, male, tricolour with brindle markings


G-litter, born 10.4.2010, pictures as eight weeks old

S: FIN CH Mudpaw's Joy Controversia
D: Trudytale's Lady Mudpaw "Dixie"

Mudpaw´s Ghost Buster, FI36240/10, male, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw´s Giorgio Armani, FI36241/10, male, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw´s Galileo Galilei, FI36242/10, male, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw´s Grand Slam, FI36243/10, male, brindle with white markings


H-litter, born 26.6.2012, pictures as six weeks old

S: Newcard's Quicker than Bolt
D: Mudpaw´s Xtra Spicy girl, FIN31851/07

Mudpaw´s Hazelnut, FI43696/12, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw´s Heartbreaker, FI43694/12, female, brindle with white markings
Mudpaw´s Honey Bunny, FI43695/12, female, brindle with white markings