Mudpaw's Controversia, FIN33548/04

"Tricki", Female, born 10.5.2004
Owner: Dorota Páz, Poland (kennel Controversia, Poland)
- hips A


FR CH Gowerston Challenger

CH Corben Tri Try Again

Deavitte Blue Fox of Rossacre

Rhiwelli Moonlight at Corben

CH Gwenlais Idwina

Rhiwelli Tango

Gwenlais Asoka Heilyn

INT & DK & FIN & S CH JW-99 W-02 SW-02 CphgW-02 Nordic Winner 03
Newcard's Freelancer

INT & DK CH CbhW-95-97 EuW97 NordW96
Beckrow Beg to Differ

GB CH Antoc Gabriel of Grangefield

Rikarlo Annjka

Newcard's Cute Cecilia

Grangefield Pride and Joy

FIN & S CH Newcard's At Last


- Katowice INT, Poland 20.3.2005, BOB-junior
- Dresden, Germany 24.4.2005, Junior Winner
- KIELCE, Poland 15.05.2005, CACJ, BOB-junior
- Lublin, Poland 11.6.2005, CACJ, BOB-junior => Polish Junior Champion
- Bratislava, Slovakia 20.8.2005, CC, Cacib, BOB
- Bratislava Slovakia 21.8.2005, CC, res-Cacib
- The Corgi Specialty in Poland, Pruszkow 4.9.2005, best intermediate bitch with CAC
- 12.02.2006 Moscow, Russia - excelent 1, CW, CAC, Best Bitch, BOB,
Miodrag Vretenicic, Serbia => Champion RFLK
- Eurasia show Russia 25.-26.2.2006 2 x CAC (Luis Catalan, Portugese & Boris Spoljaris, Croasia) => RUS CH, Champion RKF
- 12.8.2006 Germany, Corgi Specialty, best bitch, CC, BOS, Rolf Blessing, Germany
- Lithuanian Winner Show, Vilna 10.3.2007, BOS, Cacib, CC, Colm Hastings, Ireland => LTUV-07
- Lithuanian INT, Vilna 11.3.2007, best bitch 2, class CC, Livia Vaitkeviciene, Lithuania
- Wascaw, Poland 8.7.2007, CC, Cacib => INT CH